Tuesday, July 29, 2008

July 29 Hate should be a bad word

A friend of mine asked why I hadn't blogged in a couple of days and I told her that I was missing my daughter and I was in a funk about it so I was having bloggers block. I'm back and out of my funk (for the moment) just for your viewing pleasure! ;)

I was just watching The Today Show and the story came on about the guy who did the shooting at the church in Tennessee. He allegedly did it because they were a bunch of liberals and allowed Gays in that church. What is wrong with us, people? Isn't it God's job to do the judging? When did we decide that we could judge others instead of leaving that job up to God?

I am so far from being a liberal, but I have friends and a son that is and I respect their right to their opinion and beliefs. I would never want them hurt or chastised for their beliefs. Just like I would never want to be for mine.

I also have a child that is Gay. If anyone still believes that they choose this lifestyle they are so far in denial it isn't even funny. If people would just listen they would understand so much better. They don't listen though because then it might take them out of their comfort zone or away from their life long beliefs.

I saw firsthand just how archaic we still are Sunday afternoon. We were at Wal-Mart buying some last minute items that my daughter would need for camp. We were looking at the shelf of sunblock and it was right next to where this woman was set up offering free samples of Atkins health bars. I would say she was in her late fifties. She started talking to us and trying to help us. I told her that we needed non-aerosol because that is all she was trying to hand me. I was just being polite because I really didn't need her help. All of a sudden she changed the subject and said just wait until you start buying school supplies. I explained to her that we bought them over a few weeks so we didn't break the bank!! She shot back as if we were sitting at her kitchen table and I quote, "yea, my grandson told me he needed 96 pencils" "I told him I would buy him 12 and those niggers could buy their own." I about fell over. Here were my children listening to this ignorant person. I immediately looked at my husband in disbelief and starting shuffling my children away. We got them down and isle and immediately asked them if they understood what just happened. My daughter did and she was upset that the woman spoke that way. I explained to her that some people will always believe in hateful ways. Thankfully my seven year old son didn't even hear the stupid woman.

So I guess that is what my blog is about today. It is about being tolerant, love thy neighbor, be nice, let the hate go, and allow God to do his job.

1 comment:

Jules said...

I couldn't agree more, Cindy!